Website Call Tracking: Why It Matters and How to Track Your Conversions

 / March 30, 2023

In today’s digital world, having a website is essential for any business. However, simply having a website is not enough to ensure success. You need to know how to track the effectiveness of your website to improve it and make better business decisions. One of the ways to do that is through website call tracking. Now let’s try to figure out what is call tracking.

Website call tracking is a powerful tool that can help you maximize your website’s performance and track your call conversions. By connecting incoming calls to individual web visitors, marketers can accurately measure the effectiveness of their websites by tracking phone calls and seeing which pages generate the most leads.

Call tracking is essential for any business that relies heavily on telephone interaction with its customers. About 54% of sales leaders believe that calls are one of the essential productivity indicators. By tracking the performance of specific pages and campaigns, you can see what’s working and what isn’t. This data can then be used to optimize your website for maximum lead generation, improving your call conversion rate and increasing revenue.

For example, by looking at call tracking data, you might find that visitors on a particular page or campaign are more likely to call than visit your website. It could mean the page needs some tweaks or adjustments for better performance. Alternatively, visitors might be more likely to purchase after visiting a certain page on your website. Use this data to make changes and to optimize call conversion rate, and increase sales.

Why Website Call Tracking Matters?

1. Track Your Leads

Website call tracking lets you get information about visitors calling your organization. This information may be used to determine which traffic sources provide the most qualified prospects and deliver them to your sales team.

2. Optimize Your Paid Ad Spend

You can identify which ads, blogs, and social media updates increase phone calls using website call tracking. It helps you to optimize your paid advertising budget by only paying for sources with the highest ROI.

3. Improve Your Targeting

By analyzing calls from certain traffic sources, you may understand which audiences are more likely to contact your business and customize your marketing efforts accordingly.

4. Increase Your Conversion Rate

What is a good conversion rate? You’re not doing too badly if your conversion rate is between 2% and 3%. But still, there is always room for improvement. The average conversion rate across all industries is about 2,35%. With online call tracking technologies, you can improve it while watching in real-time which visitors are calling your company. It enables you to enhance your customer service and sales teams to raise your conversion rate.

5. Monitor Your Competitors

You may monitor the keywords or sources your competitors use to generate phone calls and use this information to optimize your targeting and increase your market share.

How does Call Tracking Works?

When a customer calls the unique number assigned to a particular campaign, call tracking software records data about the incoming call. This data can include the following:

  • caller details (name, address) 
  • call details (duration, time, location)
  • call recording
  • source of the call (campaign, ad group, channel, and webpage)
  • other relevant information. 

It allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, such as online ads, billboards, and radio ads, by tracking the number of phone calls generated by these campaigns. 

Source: Fit Small Business

Now let’s take a look at how the system works step-by-step: 

  1. Setting up the call tracking system: The first step is to choose and set up a call tracking system, which requires purchasing phone numbers from a provider and setting them up with your business system. Depending on your demands, you can find several call-tracking providers offering detailed reporting. With its basic features, you can also use free online tools such as Google Analytics or Google Ads.
  2. Number assignment: The numbers are assigned to each marketing campaign, so businesses can track which campaigns drive calls and leads.
  3. Call tracking software integration: The assigned numbers are then integrated into the tracking software, which allows businesses to track performance and analyze data insights.
  4. Generate reports: The system generates detailed reports that help businesses identify the most effective campaigns and make changes accordingly.
  5. Measure results: The results of each campaign can be measured to determine the return on investment (ROI) and assess overall success. 

Call Tracking With Google Analytics or Google Ads?

When it comes to tracking website conversions, you may be wondering whether Google Ads or Google Analytics is the better option. The truth is that both of these services can provide valuable insights regarding understanding user behavior and optimizing your website for higher conversion rates.

Google Ads provides metrics for website conversions, such as Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and Return on Investment (ROI). You can also use the service to set up targeted campaigns and track how much you are spending on each ad. The advantage of Google Ads is that it allows you to quickly identify which ads are performing best so that you can focus your budget on those areas.

Google Analytics, on the other hand, provides more in-depth insights into website user behavior. You can use it to understand better how your visitors interact with your site. Google Analytics also allows you to set up funnels and track call conversions. It is particularly useful if you are testing different versions of your website and want to see how the changes affect your conversions.

1. How To Track Calls With Google Ads

Why should you consider implementing Google Ads? Just think about the fact that the average conversion rate for Google Ads across all sectors is 4.40%. Sounds good? Then go ahead and set up Google Ads with these steps:

Step 1. Choose a call tracking provider

When a Google Ads account is created, the next step is to choose a call tracking provider. You can use Google’s integrated call tracking solution or select an external third-party provider. Make sure you select one that offers features such as call recording and reporting so that you can track and analyze the performance of your campaigns.

Step 2. Create a tracking number for each campaign

Once you’ve selected a call tracking provider, the next step is to create a unique tracking number for each of your Google Ads campaigns. It will ensure that all calls made through your ads are routed through your call tracking provider and can be tracked.

After creating the tracking numbers, the final step is to link them to your campaigns in Google Ads. It will allow your ads to display a unique tracking number for each campaign so that calls from those ads are counted as call conversions in Google Ads.

Step 4. Monitor and adjust your campaigns

Once your call tracking setup is complete, you can monitor and adjust your campaigns. You should look at the data generated by call tracking to see if any issues need addressing or if improvements can be made. For example, if a campaign isn’t generating many leads, you may need to adjust your targeting or change the ad copy. Similarly, consider increasing your budget or running more ads if a campaign performs well.

2. How To Track Calls With Google Analytics?

Google Analytics has tons of insightful information to offer; perhaps that’s why it is used by more than 4 million websites in the United States, which is about 55,5% of all websites. If you want to keep up with the majority and keep track of your call tracking analytics, you need to learn how to track phone calls in Google Analytics:

  1. Create a separate phone number for each campaign you want to track, and it will help you identify which campaigns are working best and which may need improvement.
  2. Set up custom events and goals in your Google Analytics account to track the performance of each campaign.
  3. Create a custom report to view the data from your call-tracking solution in Google Analytics. It will allow you to easily compare the performance of different campaigns over time and identify areas where changes may be needed.
  4. Track the performance of your campaigns over time to identify areas where you can make improvements and optimize your campaigns for the best results.
  5. Monitor the performance of your campaigns and adjust your strategy accordingly to ensure you are getting the best return on investment.
  6. Analyze the data from your call tracking system to identify patterns and trends that could be used to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns further.
  7. Test different strategies and tactics to continually optimize your campaigns and ensure they perform at their best.
  8. Monitor the performance of your call tracking campaigns regularly to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment.

Now you will be able to view the number of call conversions for each call tracking number that is associated with your website. You can also use this data to track the effectiveness of campaigns and determine which efforts result in more phone calls. You can refine your marketing strategy with these insights to drive even more leads.

You’re all set! You have everything you need to start tracking call conversions and optimizing your campaigns for maximum.

Each of these google call trackers offers great features to help you track website conversions. However, depending on your needs, one may be more suitable. If you need quick results and an easy way to target campaigns, then Google Ads is probably the better option. If you need more in-depth insights into user behavior and conversion paths, then Google Analytics may be a better choice. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which service is best suited for your needs.

Keeping track of website conversions is essential to any successful online marketing strategy. You can get the data you need to optimize your website for maximum performance by leveraging Google Ads or Google Analytics. With the right tools and effort, you can increase your conversion rate in no time!

Maximizing Your Website’s Performance With Call Tracking

Website call tracking is an essential indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts. It lets you acquire insight into which advertisements and keywords result in conversions and phone calls, allowing you to optimize your campaigns for maximum return. With a properly implemented call-tracking system, you can track the conversion of website visitors into clients, allowing you to understand which strategies provide the greatest results.

By using website call monitoring, you may gain a deeper understanding of your clients, maximize your marketing’s return on investment, and increase conversions. By thoroughly grasping website call tracking, you can make accurate decisions regarding expanding and enhancing your business. Use the power of website call tracking to improve campaign performance and increase conversions. You may be certain that your marketing efforts are generating the intended outcomes with this information.

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