Thank You for the Nice Visit Mark Trang

 / November 10, 2016

Did you remember that we, Designveloper, are Prime Partner of Meteor, which is well-known as the best Javascript framework for developing fully customized real-time, single page and responsive applications? I bet you did cause we have mentioned that all the time. 😉

mark trang-you are the best

Recently, we were very delighted to have Mr. Mark Trang, who is VP of Revenue and Marketing at Meteor, here in our office. He took a trip to Vietnam and arranged the schedule to visit us.


It was coincident that the day he came was also our co-founder – Mr. Ha Truong‘s birthday. So we hold a big fat party filled with yummy food. This party amazingly ended with so much fun and happiness.


On the other day, we took him out to lunch. We introduced him to our famous Vietnamese dish – Bun Cha which is served with grilled fatty pork over a plate of white rice noodles and herbs with a side dish of dipping sauce. (FYI, it was the dish that Barack Obama dined on when he visited Vietnam)

Not just that, during this occasion, we also got an update on our projects. Nothing makes us happier than meeting with him to discuss the future direction of Meteor. And then, we showed him our new product, Song Nhi, which is a virtual financial assistant.

You know, we can do a lot of relationship building via email, chat, phone, and Skype, but nothing has the same effect as meeting them in person.

So hey Mark, you were wonderful as usual. We really appreciate that you took the time to visit us and show interest in some advanced features of our products. Again, thank you very much for your coming. We hope your stay with us will be a memorable one. We look forward to building a longstanding, successful relationship with you.

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