Nguyen Tran Hoang: Two months of internship at DSV

 / August 17, 2022

I am Nguyễn Trần Hoàng, a third-year student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Technology. I recently had the opportunity to intern at Designveloper for over two months. During this time, I had the opportunity to experience many new and beneficial things.

Recommended reading: DSV Internship Program 2022

The first month

The first week was spent getting to know the company and the internship topic. As it was the first week, I faced many challenges. The team members and mentors were all new to me. Although most of them were from Bách Khoa University, we were not friends. Therefore, the first week was mainly for socializing and making friends.

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For IT people in general, entertainment is very important. After hours of stressful coding, playing Tam Quốc Sát is not a bad choice. We used to play after lunch, which was the most free time of the day because we had to code again in the afternoon. Through playing games together, we also became closer and talked more. From there, we could exchange and support each other on code and technical issues.

2nd month

As the internship progressed, we grew closer as we played games and spent more time together. In the second month, the company installed a table tennis table on the third floor for employees to use for recreation. Of course, we couldn’t resist trying it out.

However, the deadline was approaching, and we didn’t have much time left. This meant that our time together was coming to an end.

After two months of internship, I not only gained knowledge but also many memories. I will never forget the times we played Tam Quốc Sát, or the times we were so tired that we couldn’t even play.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have such amazing mentors and teammates. They made my internship an unforgettable experience. I can’t wait to meet everyone again and play Tam Quốc Sát.

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