17 Computer Programming Languages that You Should Learn

 / November 03, 2021

Computer programming languages are an array of alphanumeric strings that help build software programs and instructions for computers. In other words, they act as a bridge to help human beings communicate with those machines. In this article, we’ll recap the top seven promising coding languages to learn.

Tiobe, a world-renowned software quality company, concludes that there are 245 notable programming languages in the software industry. But engineering students don’t need to learn all of them. Depending on their major and future job requirements, learners will get access to different coding languages. For example, those pursuing the realm of information security should learn about Python, C/C++, PHP, Assembly, Go, and JavaScript.

Computer Programming Languages that You Should Learn
Computer Programming Languages That You Should Learn

The software industry has witnessed various new coding languages (e.g. TypeScript, Kotlin, or Julia) gain increasing popularity and interest among software developers or engineers. Having said that, traditional computer programming languages stand out in the market and account for the massive shares of commonly used tools in projects, regardless of scale and segments. 

Thereby, the 17 following coding languages are forecast to rule the roost:

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. C#
  4. C
  5. C++
  6. Ruby
  7. ASP.NET
  8. AJAX
  9. Objective-C
  10. Perl
  11. HTML
  12. SQL
  13. PHP
  14. Swift
  15. TypeScript
  16. Go
  17. JavaScript

1. Python

It stays on the top of the ranking list of IEEE Spectrum, the world’s leading magazine for engineering and applied sciences.

Python is a high-level versatile programming language as it’s highly applicable in multiple IT sub-segments. For example, the coding language is often used with other tools like Flask and Django for web development, whereas Scons and Apache Gump are integrated with Python for software development. Beyond that, the language is widely used for automation, system management, scientific domains, and more.

Python programming language

Introduce to Python

Its huge support for libraries, frameworks, and tools, especially in machine learning and data science, is essential to ease the collection of empirical data and the incorporation of relevant databases. Among major computer programming languages today, Python has one of the smallest learning curves with simple syntax and the fastest debugging processes. However, Python itself has a slower processing speed than Java and C/C++, so it’s not frequently used to build real-time apps or memory-intensive apps.

Python is one of the top object-oriented programming languages and the second most loved language, according to the 2019 Stack Overflow survey. The average yearly salary of a Python software developer/programmer in the US is $73k.

programming languages, programming skills

Python can be used for different purposes, including multiple programming paradigms, web testing, data extraction, web application, Internet development, etc. Even though Python is a high-level language and can do complex tasks, it has a clean syntax. Hence, learning this programming skill is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced programmers. 

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: The 4 Programming Languages Used by Top Companies

2. Java

Contrary to rumors that Java is out-of-date and soon dead, the language still commands a significant space in the development sphere. 

Java features well-maintained libraries and frameworks (e.g. Hibernate or Spring) that help develop appealing Android mobile apps and complicated web projects at enterprise levels. But compared with other mainstream programming languages, Java’s community support is more modest. 

The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)
The Best Language for App DevelopmentJava (for Android devices)

Introduce to Java

Moreover, its Java Virtual Machine (JVM) enables developers to write codes once and reuse them on various platforms and OS configurations without hassle. Also, the language is acclaimed for its ability to curb security risks and automatically control memory storage. Therefore, Java has a high application in the segment of research and analytics as well.

programming languages, programming skills

According to GitHub’s Octoverse ranking, Java is one of the top three most popular programming languages to learn of all time (behind JavaScript and Python). Using Java, you can create programs that are compatible with any device. Once you get familiar with the Java Virtual Machine, you can easily use other languages with such a runtime environment like Groovy and Kotlin.

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: Top 4 Best Programming Language for Beginners

3. C#

Commonly called “See Sharp”, C# was originally developed by the Microsoft team to support the .NET framework. That’s why this language’s tools and libraries mostly add functionality to this framework. Concurrently, C# is syntactically similar to C/C++ or Java because they come from the same C family of language. So, it encompasses a strong typing and object-oriented paradigm. The integration of CLR (Common Language Runtime), a virtual machine component to operate any .NET programs, allows C# to work independently of any platform. 

C# the best language for app development
C# the best language for app development

Introduce to C#

Today, C# is popular for web development, business apps, video game development for PC and Xbox, and more.

If you’re a beginner and you don’t know which programming skill you should start learning, choose C#. According to Course Report, “students who learned C# were the most likely to be employed as a developer after graduation.” Sound convincing?

C# is simple and easy to use. It handles you most complex details of the computer, so you can focus on coding rather than worrying about the small details many consider both tedious and challenging. 

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: The 7 Best Languages for App Development in 2022

4. C

This is among the oldest computer programming languages in the world. Despite the dominance of other new languages, C still plays an important role in the tech industry. It places a foundation for developing other high-level languages and it’s widely applied to writing system apps. So it may work resourcefully on cross-platform business apps, computer games, and more.

c programming language
C programming language

Introduce to C

Apart from providing rich libraries and built-in operators, C works best in building small embedded systems which are a base for the Internet of Things. With the future booming of this technology, we cannot overlook C’s role.

Learning C programming skills should be a must for every programmer. It’s because this language will bring you a lot of benefits, especially in terms of understanding exactly how computers work. 

C forces you to think harder and deeper about what’s happening and how you can solve the problem. You’ll be taught to write a clean procedural code in an imperative paradigm. But remember that mastering this programming skill requires a high coding discipline. 

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: Top 5 Best Android App Development Languages for 2023

5. C++

Initially an extended variant of C, C++ hence inherits numerous features of C such as compatibility with hardware gadgets. This language has less practical usage than other major counterparts, let alone its so-called messy syntax. But Tiobe indicates that this programming tool still has its own appeal these days. In addition, it has a massive support community and a diversity of libraries to create software products.

C++ programming language

Introduce to C++

Modern C++ is a compiled language that converts source codes to machine codes via compilers (e.g. XCode or Microsoft Visual Studio). C++ is highly applicable to research, analytics as well as the development of video games and system software.

Learning a C++ programming language isn’t easy. Many programmers are even frustrated with C++ because they think it has a very steep learning curve. They prefer Java, C#, Python, etc. But do you know that if you master C++, you can learn other modern programming languages faster, not to mention the fact that most popular game engines like Unity3D and Unreal Engine are written in C/C++?

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: Top 5 iOS App Development Languages: How to Choose the Right One?

6. Ruby

Some people think that Ruby will die soon, but according to GitHub, it’s still one of the top programming languages of 2018. It is also a language that many large enterprises such as Airbnb have been using.

Introduce to Ruby

The community of Ruby on Rails developers is active and supportive. There are over 3,500 contributors to the Rails framework on GitHub and over 300,000 related questions on Stack Overflow. Ruby 3 will be released in 2022 with a lot of improvements, proving that Ruby creators are working on the language to make sure it’s still alive and continuously evolves. 

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: How to Choose iOS App Development Language for Your Project


Introduce to ASP.NET

In the early 2000s, Microsoft introduced ASP.NET – an open-source, server-side web application framework. This programming language allows developers to create web applications, web services, and dynamic content-driven websites easily. The newest version of ASP.NET is ASP.NET Core. 

software, software development, learn software development

You don’t need to spend much time and money when developing a website or an application with ASP.NET. It’s a high speed and low cost and comes with multilanguage support.

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: 6 Best Trending Programming Languages for 2022


Introduce to AJAX

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it’s not a programming language. In fact, AJAX is a set of web development techniques that you can use to build websites and web applications. Once you know how to use this programming skill, you can update a web page without reloading the page, request/receive data from a server after the page has loaded, and send data to a server in the background.

programming languages, programming skills, programming languages to learn

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: The 5 Best Web App Languages

9. Objective-C

Objective-C (for both iOS and Android)

Introduce to ObjectiveC

Compared to other programming languages, Objective-C has a long history. It was created by the Stepstone company in the early 1980s and licensed by NeXT Computer in late this period. In 1996, Apple acquired NeXT, and Objective-C became the standard in developing iOS apps for many years.

Resources to learn

Where to learn Objective-C: 

Recommended reading: What Does A Computer Programmer Do?

10. Perl

Introduce to Perl

A lot of people like Perl because of its flexibility. Using this programming language, you find it easy to accomplish tasks. You can even model the problem in the way you want to think about it, which makes it easier to solve the issue. 

Resources to learn

Recommended reading: Top 7 Web Development Languages To Use in 2022

11. HTML

Introduce to HTML

Even if you’re not a programmer or software developer, you should know (at least a little) HTML. Having knowledge of this programming skill can give your career a good boost. 

programming languages, programming skills, programming languages to learn

Learning HTML, you’ll understand the fundamentals of the web and how they work together. You can even customize those elements the way you want to create a unique website for your company. 

Resources to learn

1. HTML5 Tutorial: The Basics
2. 12 Free HTML5 Resources to Learn for Newbies
3. CSS Tutorial: All You Need to Know to Start Your Career

12. SQL

Introduce to SQL

If you want to work in business intelligence, data science, or back-end web development, you need to learn SQL (Structured Query Language). It’s a programming language specifically designed to work with databases. Almost all of the biggest names in tech, for example, Uber, Spotify, LinkedIn, and Twitter, use SQL.

Resources to learn

13. PHP

Introduce to PHP

80% of the top 10 million websites use PHP. Many small businesses and non-technical people use WordPress, Wix, and other content management systems to build websites, which makes PHP always on-demand. If you’ve never learned PHP, don’t worry! It’s easy to get started with, and there are no hard rules you have to follow. You’re free to solve problems using different methods.

Resources to learn

1. The 7 Best Programming Languages for App Development
2. 11 Popular React Native App Examples
3. Why Choose React Native for Your Mobile App Like Bloomberg or AirBnB

14. Swift

Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development
Swift (for Apple devices) the Best Language for App Development

Introduce to Swift

Created by Apple, Swift is an ideal programming language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux applications. It’s user-friendly and offers useful tools to give you real-time feedback and support your learning. Even if you have no experience in coding, you don’t have much trouble learning Swift.

Resources to learn

15. TypeScript

Introduce to TypeScript

Here is the definition of TypeScript from Snipcart: “TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.” It manages to fill the feature gap between versions of JavaScript. Besides, TypeScript is a more predictable code that’s easier to debug. You can organize your code and catch all kinds of errors before runtime. 

Resources to learn

16. Go

Golang computer programming languages
Golang computer programming languages

Emerging as a rock-star programming language, Go (also known as “Golang”) was originally created by Google engineers to advance programming productivity for huge databases and networked, multicore machines. This compiled language has some similarities with C in terms of syntax but comes with other outstanding features such as garbage collection, CPS-style concurrency, and structural typing. 

Despite being the “youngest” programming language on this list, Go rapidly became one of the most adored languages by 62.3% of surveyed developers. Go has a wide application in numerous areas such as software development or backends for mobile and web apps.

17. JavaScript

JavaScript programming language

This is the world’s leading programming language for web development because it’s popular to develop both client and server terminals. So little wonder why JavaScript holds a strong status in the most commonly used languages for many consecutive years (66.7%), according to StackOverflow. 

Various popular frameworks like Node.js work with JS to build a multi-paradigm (e.g. functional or object-oriented) backend. Meanwhile, the language plays an integral part in developing interactive and user-friendly websites with the full support of frontend frameworks and libraries such as React or Vue.js. Other tools such as Mocha and Jest also work with JavaScript to test the compatibility of websites with predetermined specs. 

For some developers, the most obvious downside of JavaScript is they struggle to master this language.

1. Top 5 Javascript Frameworks That You Should Master
2. 5 Best Javascript Books That You Can’t Avoid From Beginning
3. 10 Best Resources to Learn Javascript for Beginners
4. Why Learn Javascript Help You Make a Lot of Money
5. What Is ECMAScript and the 5 Latest ECMAScript Features

The Future of Programming: AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to all capabilities added to machines to make their systems do whatever human beings can do at present. Meanwhile, Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of AI, which provides systems with the ability to automatically learn something without human intervention. 

Both AI and ML have a significant impact on the prospect of programming. DeepCoder, an AI tool created by Microsoft and Cambridge University, is capable of harvesting and self-learning code fragments. And DeepCoder is not the only culprit that instills the fear of unemployment among developers in the future. One question here is whether AI can completely replace programmers in scripting codes in the future. 

Although AI-powered tools may become increasingly smarter, they have a long way to catch up with their science fiction counterparts. Instead, AI and ML programs function as right-hand assistants to help programmers:

  • improve their ability to write codes;
  • learn how to make greatly complicated systems work together;
  • detect bugs with ease and fix them before programs go to the market;
  • Speed up their work by assisting them with daunting, non-core functions so that they can stay more focused on main tasks.

The Future of Programming: IoT and Big Data

The concept behind the Internet of Things is that machines now are attached to tiny censors and connected with each other through the Internet to receive and transmit hefty amounts of real-time data from and to different sources. Meanwhile, Big Data helps companies handle three key challenges of massive databases in terms of volume, variety, and velocity. 

According to the Data Age 2025 report sponsored by Seagate, companies must confront the difficulty of managing the global atmosphere. Thereby, 60% of the world’s data is contributed by enterprises by 2025. Meanwhile, single users mostly increase their content (e.g. texts or videos) on social media, which presents a bigger challenge for those sites to store and control such personal data. Cloud computing is considered a strategic solution, with 49% of data expected to stay in the cloud in 2025. 

Big data a necessity in the times of IoT
Big data is a necessity in the times of IoT

The prospective development of IoT and Big Data as well as data migration to the cloud has considerably increased the demands for some computer programming languages (e.g. C/C++, Python, Go, or Rust) and other essential technologies. 


In the future, when more physical objects can become smarter thanks to embedded sensors or programmed commands, the role of software engineers and developers in different domains will prove more important. This promotes them to master their coding skills to produce expected deliverables. 

However, no software developer or engineer excels in only one coding language. When the job fair is increasingly competitive and advanced technologies appear to meet more diverse demands of companies and end-users, developers need to enhance their mastery of more computer programming languages that serve their jobs and projects best.

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