The 10 Best Web App Languages in 2023

 / December 21, 2023

Choosing which web app languages to learn is the hardest part when you are just starting out. Whether for web app development or choosing the technology stack for your product, it will be tough. There are more and more of them, and each one has its own programming challenges and steps.

Many companies that make web apps have switched to a multi-lingual strategy because it gives them better performance, more flexibility, and the ability to work with other languages. Because of this, companies want to hire developers who can use more than one language.

The Overview of The Sofware Development Languages

When we talk about the best programming languages for making web apps, it’s important to remember that they all have some things in common. Business and web app development services have not suddenly changed how they use or try to use a certain programming language.

Even so, there’s no denying that the times are changing. In the world we live in now, even people who don’t write code need to know something about it. If you are curious about web app development, you should learn about the best programming languages for making apps. In this first part of the lesson, we’ll talk about what a programming language is all about.

What Is A Programming Language?

Using a programming language, you can tell a computer how to do something. No one wants to make apps using binary, so we write it in a way that is easier to understand. The next step is to turn the code into “machine code,” which is a language the computer can understand.

A web programmer

To be more specific, a programming language is a set of words and rules for how to use them. These are to talk to a computer or other piece of computing equipment and tell it to do certain tasks. People usually mean high-level languages like BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal when they say “programming languages.”

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How Does It Work?

Each programming language has its own set of keywords and words that the language can understand. Languages also have their own ways of putting program instructions together, called syntax.

Instructions are written in the programming language that was used to make the program, and statements are written in a different programming language called machine code. These are the two parts that make up a program. Machine code is a binary format consisting of ones and zeros, or 1s and 0s. Each digit in machine code represents either instruction or some data in the program.

When a programmer types a command into their computer’s terminal, the instructions will transfer to their computer’s processor. Here, they become machine code so the computer can do what the programmer wants. The information that is made as a result of these commands is then translated back into a language that people can understand, usually English.

Now that you have got an idea of what constitutes a programming language, let’s head to the next section! Below is a list of the 10 most popular web app languages that our experts have deemed and thought appropriate in 2022.

Top 10 Best Web App Languages

1. JavaScript – The Top Web App Language

JavaScript is a scripting language that can be used on both the client-side (web-based) and server-side (on a computer) of websites (running on web servers). It lets websites store and use data, access parts of pages called “components,” update the content of those components, run functions when events happen on a website, make pages more interactive, and so on.

JavaScript as the most popular web app language

Because it works with many different platforms, it can help companies’ web development in a big way. For example, the Java runtime environment module is in charge of turning code into a version of machine code that works with the operating systems already on the computer. Linux is a good example of a system like this. 

Also, if you want to hire web developers who specialize in Java, you won’t have a hard time doing so. This is because Java is the business platform of choice due to having so many security features. Because of this, it won’t be hard for you to find web developers who know Java. The programming language has been built into a number of frameworks that can be used to make web-based apps. Some examples of frameworks in this category are Spring and Hibernate.

Recommended reading: Why Learn Javascript Help You Make a Lot of Money

2. Python

Python is a powerful and flexible programming language for building web apps. It’s famous for having a short syntax, which lets programmers build more functions with fewer lines of code. Python is an object-oriented programming language. This means that programs using Python can link to other popular technologies, making for a powerful combination. 

Python As The Second Most Popular Web App Language

For that matter, Python still is one of the most versatile web app languages. It gives a setting for building web applications that are both easy to use and very effective. It comes with all the basic scripts and makes it easy to connect to the right databases. The best thing about the programming language Python is that it can help make neural networks for artificial intelligence, which is very popular right now.

Developers find it to be a useful tool because of its large library and compatibility with different operating systems. Python was discontinued in 2020, so web developers have moved on to Python 3.

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3. Java

Almost every year, people say that Java will fall off the list of the best web app languages. But this never happens. There are 9605 companies that have said they use Java. Google, Instagram, Netflix, and Amazon are just a few of the well-known companies that use Java.


There is no doubt that Java will continue to be the most popular platform for making web applications. This is because it has highly developed security features, which are a must-have for every business. Java also has simple, flexible, and reusable code. Developers can turn the codes into an app’s user interface that is easy to understand. It really is one of the best languages for making enterprise applications because there are millions of libraries for it. 

This famous language has a lot of benefits, and one of them is that it works on different platforms. This is possible due to the Java Virtual Machine. Many popular programming languages, like Kotlin, Scala, and Groovy, use JVM as their runtime environment. Even though natural disasters and pandemics can happen, Java gets updated every six months. This is a big part of the language’s reputation for being reliable and consistent.

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2. Everything About the Ruby Programming Language in 2023
3. Everything About the Dark Programming Language
4. What is Kotlin: Definitions, Strengths & Usages

4. TypeScript

In recent years, it has become clear that more and more people are using TypeScript. When we look at the next figure, we can see that TypeScript has come out of nowhere to become the fourth most popular pull request on GitHub as of the fourth quarter of 2021. TypeScript is so popular for a number of reasons, one of them because Microsoft and Google both support it.


TypeScript is an open-source object-oriented programming language that Microsoft made and still keeps up to date. This JavaScript superset adds types, classes, and modules that make JavaScript more powerful. It also lets programmers make apps that can run on any browser or platform without having to be compiled again.

It is great for both large online applications and popular libraries like AngularJS. TypeScript is also very compatible with the vast majority of JavaScript codebases because ECMAScript 6th Edition (ES6) is its base.

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5. C#

Microsoft made C# to be a safer programming language than C and C++. Since it was first made, C# has always been one of the most popular web app languages. C# comes in at number four on Google’s list of the most searched-for language lessons. The programming language is splendid for building server applications.


It is an object-oriented language that has been optimized for use with the command-line interface (CLI). Developers can fix compile-time and runtime problems with the many safety measures. In addition, its automatic trash removal method takes care of everything else. C# makes it easy to use the libraries of components from other programming languages. The large collection of libraries speeds up the development process and makes it possible to make a wide range of services. When new developers want to learn the best programming language for making web apps, they often start with this one.


When exploring the top web app languages in 2023, HTML/CSS stands out as a fundamental duo. These languages form the backbone of web app development, offering the tools to create and style the structure of web pages.

Firstly, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the core of any web application. It’s used to construct the basic framework and content of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, and links. Its simplicity and ease of learning make it a go-to choice for beginners. Importantly, HTML is not just for beginners; it’s a crucial tool even for advanced developers creating complex web applications.


Complementing HTML is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which adds style to the web application. CSS controls the layout and appearance of the elements created by HTML. It allows developers to design visually appealing interfaces with color, fonts, and spacing. This combination of functionality and aesthetics is what makes CSS indispensable.

Together, HTML and CSS offer a powerful starting point for web app development. They are widely supported by all major browsers, ensuring that web apps have a consistent look and functionality across different platforms. This cross-platform compatibility is a key reason why HTML/CSS remains relevant in 2023.

Moreover, HTML/CSS evolves continuously. With updates like HTML5 and CSS3, these languages have incorporated new features that enable more interactive and dynamic web applications. These advancements align with the growing demands of modern web development.

7. SQL

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a fundamental language in web development. Developed by IBM computer scientists in the 1970s, SQL has evolved into a standard language for accessing and managing databases.

SQL empowers developers with a versatile set of capabilities, allowing them to execute queries against a database, retrieve data from a database, insert records in a database, update records in a database, delete records from a database, create new databases, create new tables in a database, create stored procedures in a database, create views in a database, and set permissions on tables, procedures, and views.


SQL achieved standardization by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. While there exist different SQL language versions, they all adhere to the ANSI standard, ensuring consistent support for major commands like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT.

In web development, SQL plays a pivotal role in creating dynamic websites that interact with databases. To build such websites, you’ll need an RDBMS database program (such as SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL), a server-side scripting language (like PHP, ASP, or similar languages), SQL for data extraction and manipulation, and HTML/CSS for structuring and styling web pages.

RDBMS, or Relational Database Management System, forms the foundation of SQL. Major database systems like MS SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL are RDBMS-based. In RDBMS, data is organized into tables, which consist of columns and rows, creating a structured and efficient way to store and retrieve data.

8. PHP

PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely used and versatile open-source scripting language ideal for web development. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995, PHP has since become a cornerstone of web programming.

PHP excels in server-side scripting, enabling a wide range of capabilities. It can collect form data, generate dynamic page content, and handle cookies, similar to other CGI programs. Its primary application is the creation of dynamic websites and web applications.


In practice, PHP code is processed on a web server using a PHP interpreter implemented as a module, daemon, or CGI executable. This server-side execution allows PHP to interact with databases, handle user input, and deliver dynamic content to web users.

Beyond web development, PHP demonstrates its flexibility. It can be employed for various programming tasks outside the web context, including the creation of standalone graphical applications and even control systems for robotic drones. Moreover, PHP code can be executed directly from the command line.

While PHP does not have a formal written specification or standard, the original implementation has acted as the de facto standard that other PHP implementations aim to adhere to. This pragmatic approach has led to PHP’s widespread adoption, with a notable 76.4% usage rate among websites whose programming language could be determined as of December 2023.

9. Ruby

Ruby is an open-source programming language renowned for its emphasis on simplicity and productivity. Developed in Japan by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto during the mid-1990s, Ruby has gained recognition for its distinctive features and user-friendly nature.

One notable characteristic of Ruby is its dynamic typing, which eliminates the need to declare variable types upon creation. In Ruby, everything revolves around objects, and operations are carried out by invoking methods on these objects. The language supports multiple inheritance through mixins, facilitated by modules, and boasts an advanced exception handling mechanism for error management. Ruby also incorporates a built-in garbage collector that automatically cleans up unused objects, efficiently managing memory resources.


Ruby’s impact extends beyond its core language. Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is a web application framework built using Ruby. Rails adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and places a strong emphasis on Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principles. This combination of Ruby and Rails provides developers with a powerful toolkit for web application development.

In terms of popularity, Ruby consistently ranks among the top 20 most sought-after programming languages in the TIOBE Index as of 2023. It is widely favored for web development and scripting tasks.

10. Swift

Swift is a versatile and high-level programming language developed by Apple Inc. in collaboration with the open-source community. It made its debut in June 2014 and has since gained prominence in the programming world.

One of Swift’s defining features is its static typing, which ensures that every value has an assigned type. This type checking occurs at compile time, meaning any mismatches will prevent the program from compiling. Swift’s compiler is LLVM-based and is seamlessly integrated into Xcode, the standard Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Apple software development.


A notable aspect of Swift is its interoperability with Objective-C, another programming language entrenched in the Apple ecosystem. Swift was specifically designed to coexist within this ecosystem, making it a powerful addition to Apple’s software development toolkit. Moreover, Swift is open source, allowing it to be ported to various platforms without the need for special permissions or licensing.

Swift employs Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for memory management, streamlining memory usage and enhancing the efficiency of applications.

As of December 2023, Swift 5.9.2 represents the stable release of this language, reflecting the commitment to ongoing development and improvement.

So, Which Is The Best Web App Language?

So, which is the best web app language? At Designveloper, we believe there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The choice of web app languages depends on the specific needs of your project.

Let’s break it down. If you’re aiming for a fast, efficient, and easy-to-learn language, Python might be your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re developing for the web and need a language with robust libraries and frameworks, JavaScript could be the way to go.

For those looking to develop iOS apps, Swift is a powerful and intuitive language created by Apple. Java, with its write once, run anywhere (WORA) capabilities, remains a popular choice for enterprise-scale applications.

In the end, the best web app language is the one that fits your project requirements, team skills, and long-term goals.

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